Worship Factory is on the air! You can tune in
to KKLA 99.5 FM in Los Angeles every Saturday at 7:00 pm or you listen online
at www.kkla.com/ or listen to the podcast
here (at right). The program has conversation, interviews, music and some
really fun stuff.
The guests include singers, writers, artists, entertainment people, stars and up-and-comers. The guests will be telling their story and giving us insights into the industry as well as giving inspiring messages. We will have people from local churches sharing about the creative arts and worship and playing songs from new artists and artists you know well. We even have segment called Xposed thats for college age creatives and deals with the things people are exposed do. Check it out!
We'd like to hear from you so please let us know how the radio show or
one of our guests touched your life! - Contact